Schema for the DFX subgraphs
Data of every trade made in the DFX pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 66 char hex string - event number | a trade's transaction hash concatenated by event number |
timestamp | BigInt | seconds | unix timestamp of the trade |
pair | Pair | object | pool contract pair object |
trader | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address executing the trade |
origin | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address of the token given during the trade |
target | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address of the token received during the trade |
originAmount | BigInt | integer without decimal adjustment | raw amount of tokens given during the trade |
targetAmount | BigInt | integer without decimal adjustment | raw amount of tokens received during the trade |
Data of every single transfer made in the DFX pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 66 char hex string - event number | trade's transaction hash concatenated by event number |
timestamp | BigInt | seconds | unix timestamp of the transfer |
pair | Pair | object | pool contract pair object |
from | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address sending the token |
to | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address receiving the token |
token0Amount | BigDecimal | US dollar | amount of US dollars transferred |
token1Amount | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | amount of foreign stablecoin dollars transferred |
value | BigInt | raw amount without decimal adjustment | raw amount of tokens transferred |
type | String | withdraw, two-sided-deposit, single-sided-deposit, single-sided-deposit-ignore, stake, unstake, LP-transfer | type of transfer that is being made in the pools |
Data across all DFX stablecoin pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string | factory contract address |
pairCount | Int | integer | number of unique foreign stablecoin / USD pairs produced by the factory contract |
totalVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total volume in US dollars for all tokens traded across all DFX pools |
totalLiquidityUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total liquidity in US dollar for all tokens across all DFX pools |
Daily data across all DFX stablecoin pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | days | unix timestamp for the start of the day / 86400 |
date | unix | seconds | unix timestamp of a particular date |
dailyVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total volume in US dollars for all tokens traded across all DFX pools for a particular date |
totalVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | daily snapshot of the total volume in US dollars for all tokens traded across all DFX pools |
totalLiquidityUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | daily snapshot of the total liquidity in US dollars across all DFX pools |
Hourly data on individual DFX stablecoin pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string - hours | pool contract address concatenated by unix timestamp in hours |
hourStartUnix | Int | hours | unix timestamp of a particular hours |
pair | Pair | object | pool contract pair object |
firstTxn | Bytes | 66 char hex string | transaction hash of the first trade made in the pool for a particular date |
reserve0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity of the US dollar side of a pool for a particular hour |
reserve1 | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | liquidity of foreign stablecoin side of a pool for a particular hour |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total liquidity in US dollars in the pool for a particular hour |
swapRateUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | price of 1 foreign stablecoin token in US dollar for a particular hour |
volumeToken0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | volume of USDC traded within the pool for a particular hour |
volumeToken1 | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | volume of foreign stablecoin traded within the pool for a particular hour |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total volume in US dollars for both tokens traded within the pool for a particular hour |
participantCount | BigInt | integer | number of unique addresses that has made a trade in the pool for a particular hour |
Daily data on individual DFX stablecoin pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string - days | pool contract address concatenated by unix timestamp in days |
date | Int | seconds | unix timestamp of a particular date |
pair | Pair | object | pool that the participant is interacting with |
firstTxn | Bytes | 66 char hex string | transaction hash of the first trade made in the pool for a particular date |
reserve0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity of the US dollar side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve1 | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | liquidity of foreign stablecoin side of the pool for a particular date |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total liquidity in US dollars in the pool for a particular date |
reserve0Deposit | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity deposited of the US dollar side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve1Deposit | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | liquidity deposited of foreign stablecoin side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve1DepositUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity deposited of foreign stablecoin in US dollars side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve0Withdraw | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity withdraw of the US dollar side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve1Withdraw | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | liquidity withdraw of foreign stablecoin side of the pool for a particular date |
reserve1DepositUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity withdraw of foreign stablecoin in US dollars side of the pool for a particular date |
swapRateUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | price of 1 foreign stablecoin token in US dollar for a particular day |
volumeToken0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | volume of USDC traded within the pool for a particular day |
volumeToken1 | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | volume of foreign stablecoin traded within the pool for a particular day |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total volume in US dollars for both tokens traded within the pool for a particular day |
participantCount | BigInt | integer | number of unique addresses that has made a trade in the pool for a particular day |
Data on DFX individual stablecoin pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | address (42 char hex string) | address of the pool |
token0 | Token | address (42 char hex string) | address of the US dollar in the pool |
token1 | Token | address (42 char hex string) | address of the foreign stablecoin in the pool |
reserve0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | liquidity of the US dollar side of the pool |
reserve1 | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollar | liquidity of foreign stablecoin side of the pool |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total liquidity in US dollars in the pool |
swapRateUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | price of 1 foreign stablecoin token in US dollar |
rewardsForDuration | BigDecimal | decimal | number of DFX allocated for liquidity providers for a particular duration |
rewardDuration | BigInt | seconds | unix time of rewards distribution period |
totalStaked | BigDecimal | decimal | number of LP tokens staked for this stablecoin pair |
volumeToken0 | BigDecimal | US dollar | volume of USDC traded within the pool |
volumeToken1 | BigDecimal | US dollar | volume of foreign stablecoin traded within the pool |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | total volume in US dollars of both tokens traded within the pool |
txnsCount | BigInt | integer | total number of trades made in the pool |
participantCount | BigInt | integer | total number of unique addresses that has made a trade in the pool |
totalLPToken | BigDecimal | decimal | total number of LP tokens minted for the pool |
hourData | Array of PairHourData | array of objects | all hourly data on the token pool |
Data on individual foreign stablecoins traded on DFX
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string | address of token |
decimals | BigInt | integer | decimal place the amount the token takes |
symbol | String | string | 3 to 4 letter abbreviation of token name |
name | String | string | full token name |
priceUSD | BigDecimal | US dollar | price of 1 token in US dollar |
tokenDayData | Array of TokenDayDatas | array of objects | all daily data on the token described |
Daily data on individual foreign stablecoin traded on DFX
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string - unix date in seconds | address of token concatenated by unix timestamp of the day |
date | BigInt | seconds | unix timestamp of a particular date |
token | Token | object | token that is being tracked |
dailyVolumeToken | BigDecimal | foreign stablecoin dollars | volume in foreign stablecoin dollars that has been traded on a particular day |
dailyVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollars | volume in US dollars equivalent that has been traded on a particular day |
priceUSD | BigDecimal | US dollars | price of 1 token in US dollars |
Data of every address that has made a trade or provided liquidity on one of the DFX pools
Field | Type | Units | Description |
id | ID | 42 char hex string - 42 char hex string | address of pool concatenated by address of participant |
pair | Pair | object | pool that the participant is interacting with |
participant | Bytes | 42 char hex string | address executing the trades or liquidity provision |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | US dollars | US dollar volume the user has traded within a particular pool |
liquidityProvided | BigDecimal | decimal | number of LP tokens the user has minted within a particular pool |
Last updated