๐Ÿ’ฑSwaps & Liquidity Pools

โœจ Learn how to earn additional rewards for providing to the LPs below. โœจ

Two Things to Note:

  • Click the 'card' to be sent to the specific LP or Stake link.

  • Top steps are for providing liquidity on Ethereum and bottom steps are for providing liquidity on Arbitrum. Read the text in yellow to see what rewards you will earn.

Two Things to Note:

  • Click the 'card' to be sent to the specific LP or Stake link.

  • Step 2 (Telcoin) and Step 2 (Aura) are a one or the other option. Both of them are the same thing, they just offer different rewards and APYs'. Read the text in yellow to see what rewards you will earn for that platform.

Last updated